As part of our working agreement with the Haines Borough, HEDC is focused on coordinating two important studies over the early part of 2018; a Haines Baseline Economic Data Report and a Five-year Economic Development Plan for Haines.

The working draft of the baseline report was released April 20, 2018 (click to download.)

Note: The report was revised on April 25th to included updated information from the University of Alaska on its proposed timber sale. The copy available for download here is that revised version. If you downloaded or printed a copy before April 25th, your copy does not include these revisions.

This economic baseline report provides a common understanding of the local economy and serves as a foundation for creating a five-year strategic economic development plan for Haines. As a working draft, it may undergo further revisions or additions. That plan will describe Haines’ economic development opportunities and challenges, and specific steps to achieve the community’s goals.

Thank you to everyone who attended presentations on April 23rd, 6 pm at the Chilkat Center and April 24th at Mosquito Lake School and Community Center. The PowerPoints from those presentations are available for download here.